
MS Sufferer Wins Right To Use Marijuana Vapourizer

NANAIMO -- Pam Edgar has won her fight to have the provincial government pay for a device she says is needed for her to use marijuana to ease symptoms of multiple sclerosis.

The government, which earlier refused to pay for a $200 marijuana vapourizer, has been forced to reverse its decision following the unanimous decision of an appeal tribunal.

Pam Edgar has been legally using marijuana for two years to help reduce the pain of her multiple sclerosis, but as an asthmatic, the smoke causes other health problems. Vapourized pot allows her to inhale cannabinoids from marijuana without any of the carcinogens that tighten and block the airways to her lungs.

Edgar is one of 2,200 Canadians who carry and smoke pot under the marijuana medical access regulations, but she could be the first in B.C. to have the province pay for a device that allows her to obtain the benefits of the plant without any smoke.

Given the minimal cost of the vapourizer, she wonders why she had to endure such a "daunting" tribunal.

After the Ministry of Employment and Income Assistance denied her request for a vapourizer, Edgar appealed the decision and went through a three-month tribunal process that cost more than double the price of her $200 Vapor Daddy.

This from an article in Times Colonist wwwcanada.com

For info on Vapourizers there is a blog dedicated to them written by the Medical Marijuana user in the story above HERE

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