
Ex Sheriff Shows Ultimate Arrogance

Senate should reject medical marijuana bill, so say's Steve Brienen former Mclean County Sheriff, he writes...........

Once again legislators are attempting to pass a bill in the Senate pertaining to medical use of marijuana. As a former law enforcement officer and two-time cancer survivor, I see no valid reason for this to come to pass.
First, there is already a law on the books allowing medical use of marijuana with a prescription. Any physician may issue this for his/her patients. This prevents abuse by not only the patients but by those who would call themselves ``caregivers'' under the new law.
Senate Bill 2865 would allow one `caregiver' ''to distribute the drug for up to five `patients' ''and be allowed to produce the plant in his/her home. They may also be paid for doing this.
It also would allow "visiting qualified patients'' from out of state to be provided with the drug.
While receiving chemotherapy for over a year in 1989 and again for eight months in 2004, I was provided medications, when needed, that eased my discomfort and enabled me to remain alert at the same time. Those medications still exist.
As far as enforcement is concerned, this would be another disaster for our police.
How, pray tell, do we enforce a law like this without entering someone's home or business? Then what mountain of paperwork will be needed to prove the plants and material used in the production of this drug were indeed used legally or illegally?
How do we prevent the ``visiting patients'' from out of state from receiving this drug, going back home and selling it themselves or using it for other than medical reasons? Enforcement will not be possible.
Please contact your state senators on this. I also urge my fellow law enforcement officers to do the same.


Why the hell would you want to stop sick people getting relief????, nowhere in this bill does it say that conventional drugs will be replaced by Marijuana, you know? this guy is lucky, 1, he survived cancer, 2, he was ok on conventional drugs, others are not so lucky, some have shocking reactions to regular treatments and have constant nausea coupled with loss of appetite at a time they need to be eating in order to fight their cancer,there is nothing better to quell nausea and stimulate the appitite than Marijuana, this, of course, is just one treatment of one illness, there are many ailments that can be relieved with Marijuana whether the Sheriff believes it or not. He worries about how "pray tell" this would be enforced "without entering peoples homes"?, i always thought if the police had evidence of criminal activity they would apply for a warrant and in they come!, and here's an idea Former Sheriff, why not just legalise Marijuana for every adult, that way you wont have to worry about anything regarding Marijuana and you could get on with catching violent criminals, imagine the extra time and budget the police would have!. He say's " i see no valid reason this should come to pass" No buddy, you will never 'see' anything with your eyes closed!!. If you want to see a much more enlightened view please watch the video below .............

L.E.A.P, LAW ENFOREMENT AGAINST PROHIBITION (First posted here on 1.18.2008)

In the spring of 2002, 5 current and former ranking police officers got together to discuss the drug war and its impact on fellow officers, soon the numbers swelled to 500 as current and former DEA agents, Police chiefs, Judges and Prosecutors joined the ranks, now they have gone public and what they are saying is shaking the Drug War establishment to its roots.

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